Developing Confidence in Self and Others
Length of session LEARNING OBJECTIVES Identify what is needed for a person to feel confident. Identify ways to build the confidence of self and others. Commit to doing one thing to strengthen their self-confidence. Materials Needed Visual means for recording ideas (paper, chart paper, or white/chalk board and markers/chalk) Naslov Enough small objects for each person to have one, such as stones, lemons or nuts Paper, tape and pencils, pens, or markers (optional) Naslov Discussion and Demonstration duration of activity Give each participant a small object. Each person should have the same type of object, such as all stones or all nuts. Ask participants to look at their object and identify the characteristics that are unique to their object and that make it special. Gather all of the objects and place them in a pile at the front of the room. Have participants come forward and find their own object based on its unique characteristics. b Facilitator’s Note (paper, chart paper, or white/chalk board and markers/chalk) Naslov Participants may think it is impossible to distinguish between the object they originally found and all of the other objects. Encourage them to continue their search. Participants may also look at the objects already selected by other participants to make sure their original object has not been misidentified by another person. After participants have found their object, ask a few of them...
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