Length of session
- Identify personal goals.
- Understand the benefits of planning to get what you want.
- Identify the steps in goal setting.
- Create a plan to reach a personal goal.
Materials Needed
Visual means for recording ideas
(paper, chart paper, or white/chalk board and markers/chalk)
Paper and pencils or pens
One additional chart
(to write new words)
Facilitator’s Input and Discussion
duration of activity
Ask participants to think about something they want to accomplish, and be ready to share their ideas after you tell them a short story. Tell participants about a goal you have or had in the past.
Explain what you did or are doing to reach your goal.
Ask participants
Facilitator’s Note
Use a goal your group might share, such as
earning money,
finishing school,
buying a motorcycle,
getting a gift for someone’s birthday,
buying a house,
finding a job or getting married
Ask participants
if they think you will reach (or would have reached) your goal if you simply wait (had waited) and hope (hoped) for it. Ask participants to name some of the things they want to accomplish or own.
their ideas on chart paper or the white/chalk board. Tell participants they have identified possible “goals.” Explain that it is good to have goals, and today they will learn how to take steps towards achieving their goals.
that some people seem to reach their goals more often and others seem to have trouble reaching their goals. One factor that impacts whether or not a person reaches his or her goals is how he or she plans and works toward achieving the goal.
Discuss with participants the consequences of not planning to reach a goal.
Ask participants
What do you think might happen if a person doesn’t make a plan to reach his or her goals?
Discuss with participants the benefits of planning.
Ask them: What do you think are the benefits when a person makes a plan to reach his or her goals?
Emphasize that planning allows people to “make it happen” instead of “waiting for it to happen.” When people wait for it to happen, they may never reach their goals.
Facilitator’s Input
duration of activity
Explain that making a plan to get what you want is also called “goal setting.”
Decide what you want to accomplish or own. List the steps, what you need to do, to get what you want. Put the steps in their proper sequence. Start on the first step. Keep trying.
Make sure to get participants to identify at least one goal, no matter how small the goal might be. Participants need to have confidence knowing they can plan to achieve goals. Share the following helpful hints:
Facilitator’s Note
Think about
Possible obstacles and what you could do to get around them.
If the unexpected happens, don’t be surprised and don’t give up
Don’t give up
Think about
who might help you reach your goal and talk to them about the steps you will take
Have participants recall the goal you shared earlier in this session. Ask them to list the steps you took, or are taking, to reach your goal.
You may need to help them identify the steps since you are using a goal you have set as an example and goal setting is a new skill for participants. If possible, also discuss possible obstacles to reaching your goal and what you did/could do to get around them. You might also mention individuals or organizations that did/could help you.
Small Group Work
duration of activity
- Direct participants to form small groups of three or four. Assign each small group one goal from the list of things they said they wanted at the beginning of the session. If you prefer, you could assign them one of the following goals instead:
- Helping a friend who is ill
- Cleaning the playground of your community in order to make it useful to for New Year celebrations
- Passing with a good grade the math final exam
- Earning money to support your family
- Getting a gift for your mother’s or father’s birthday
Instruct the small groups to create a plan to reach their assigned goal.
Also, encourage them to name possible obstacles and ways to get around them as well as who might help them achieve their goal.
When the groups are finished, call on the spokesperson from each small group, one at a time, to describe his or her group’s plan. After each plan is shared, ask the whole group if they have any additional suggestions to help the small group reach its goal.
Individual Practice
duration of activity
Ask participants
to select a personal goal they would like to achieve.
Tell participants
to make their own plan for “making it happen.” Direct participants to form pairs with someone sitting nearby
Have each participant share his or her plan with a partner. As they share with a partner, encourage participants to share additional ideas that might help one another reach their goals.
Urge participants
to get started on their plans as soon as possible and to keep the group informed about their progress.
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